
Writings of a regretful lover

Month: August, 2013


Who are you?

You use to enter my thoughts,

Come into my dreams.

Be what  i hoped for,

So it seemed.

Then days went by,

And I no longer longed for you.

You’re a faint memory now,

And the same I am for you.

New Muse

Your words enchant me. 


By enchant i mean after they spill from your mouth and slip into my ear canal 

The goo from my brain traps them.

It’s a terrible thing actually because you are now my muse.

The angry love poems about my ex lover no longer linger in my thoughts.

The worst part is I’ve never really made love poems.

Poems, Poems, Poems


By poems i mean the writings which i spill my feelings on.

And i have been addicted to feeling lost, unloved, and crazy.

You are my muse now. My inspiration. And when you leave, like the rest, expect more poems about you.

Galaxy (Excuses)

You told me to get the Galaxy. How it was far much better than an iPhone.

But for him I will get an iPhone.

Because his words will forever be more convincing than yours and go deep into my brain and decide for me what I want.

You told me i was perfect. How men should fall for me immediately.

But because of him I think I’m not worthy of love. He left so i must have done something wrong.

From my hair, to the freckles, to my dark lips, to my small breast, my untoned abdomen, the love handles, my knobby knees and down to my long second toe, i was not worth staying for.

You told me he was stupid for leaving. How he has done so much to me.

But he wasn’t stupid. he didn’t do anything to me. just love me unconditionally and leave when he could not handle me anymore.

My inspiration.

You sure know how to make me cry

and beg you to leave.

Beg you to stay,

And have an opposite meaning to the words

“I hate you.”

You sure know how to make my heart race,

With anger and love.

I really do hate you.