12:26 Am (Just like titanic, not like summer)

by anarebcca

It’s 12:26 AM

And I’m sitting on my bed angry, 

At the fact that I’m waiting for the vibration 

Of my cell phone to trigger that part

Of my brain that LEAPS into answering it.

That happens in a matter of less than a second.

I wish i was laying down right now,

Thinking of the guys heart I just broke. 

I did not break it because I didn’t like him. 

I broke it because of you.

There is something still in me,

That still holds on to you.

It’s a certainty about us. 

Not like summer is to June, or Winter to December.

But how the Titanic happened.

How it was certain to happen, but all could have been avoided.


Here I am still waiting for the glow on my phone.

About a question i really don’t want the answer to.

About a girl you use to talk to,

Right after me. 

I ask them hoping you’d say in the end,

‘I still wanted only you.’

But it never ends that way.

And it won’t.

So here I am 12:28.

A minute has passed and you still haven’t texted me.

I’m still waiting for the vibration on my pillow,

I’m still waiting for us to get back together.

I’m still waiting on you.

Just like the Titanic, Not like the summer.